
Posts Tagged ‘problems’

I was speaking with a good friend of mine today who leaves near the family whose teenage son recently murdered his ex-girlfriend, in a lovely and upper class Metrowest suburb.

A very sad story, an avoidable tragedy, with many victims, aside from the lovely and talented woman who lost her life simply because she was wonderful.

She asked me for my thoughts on why it happened, and I said, “It’s very sad, but we don’t support our kids when they are going through problems. People, even young people, and especially boys, are told to ‘get over it,’ ‘be a man,’ ‘find someone new,’ instead of being reached out to, and given an opportunity to be listened to and counseled.

I said I think it will keep happening, until we make a commitment to help people who are having problems. I don’t think we should wait for or expect the government to help us, we need to do it ourselves.

I‘m currrently involved with a men’s team, and a program called Boys to Men, if you know any man or young man 13-18 who could use some support.

What are you committed to?

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Met someone today who is so beautiful and caring, but she’s up against it fiscally, and facing

changes in life which require a lot of mental energy. Trouble is, she’s not eating well.

I want to help her, to cook for her, because I know she can tackle her challenges with some more of nature’s goodness and a little meditation.

If this also fits you, consider making this for dinner…


1. Brown Rice with Lentils or Chestnuts or Black Beans (2 cups water, 3/4 cup rice, 1/4 cup beans, pinch sea salt, boil for :45)

2. Stir-fried carrots, broccoli and onions (or leeks), with sesame oil. Add shoyu/water and steam toward the end. Ginger makes it even yummier.

3. Add Gomashio (sesame salt; Eden makes a fine one or you can make it yourself) to taste.

4. Eat a real pickle at the end

Chew well, no dessert. Sing a song or look at pictures and laugh after dinner.

Good luck!!

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